Young Discoverer

Age Group

8 to 14 yrs


Introductory Skill Building


1 to 3 days

First-Time Adventurers

Children with little or no outdoor experience, ready to explore in a supportive environment.

Future Explorers

Kids taking their first steps toward independence and confidence-building.

Team Players in Training

Designed for children to gain teamwork skills while making lifelong friends in a nurturing setting.

Kalsubai Trek

Experience mountain trails, team challenges, and serene landscapes in the heart of the Himalayas.

Prabalgad Trek

Explore a historic fort surrounded by dense forests and breathtaking views. This journey fosters curiosity, resilience, and an adventurous spirit!

Borivali National Park

A hidden wilderness within the city, perfect for nature trails and wildlife
exploration. This experience nurtures observation skills, awareness, and love
for the environment!


Discover scenic landscapes, trek through lush greenery, and enjoy outdoor fun.
This program strengthens adaptability, teamwork, and outdoor skills!

Borivali National Park

A hidden wilderness within the city, perfect for nature trails and wildlife
exploration. This experience nurtures observation skills, awareness, and love
for the environment!


Discover scenic landscapes, trek through lush greenery, and enjoy outdoor fun.
This program strengthens adaptability, teamwork, and outdoor skills!

Borivali National Park

A hidden wilderness within the city, perfect for nature trails and wildlife
exploration. This experience nurtures observation skills, awareness, and love
for the environment!


Discover scenic landscapes, trek through lush greenery, and enjoy outdoor fun.
This program strengthens adaptability, teamwork, and outdoor skills!

Let the Adventure Begin!

Empower your child with confidence, teamwork, and a love for learning through Young Discoverer Programs..